Family film deals with origins of Constitution
Explaining that he was tired of people – including politicians and judges – eviscerating the Constitution, Norm Novitsky wanted to arm people with a learning tool. So he came up with this new movie about a modern-day family that takes a historical and humorous journey to learn about the origins and importance of the document. Their guide along the way, according to the movie’s website, is “a charming statesman from America’s past.” (Watch trailer here)
Novitsky says he knew he had to make the film interesting. “I have to get it in a way that it’s entertaining, it’s visual, it’s fun, it’s adventurous – and also at the same time, it’s educational,” he says.
“In Search of Liberty” is a family-oriented movie that’s suitable for all ages, Novitsky adds.
“It’s a movie that covers a lot, a lot of issues that are being debated today,” he describes, “and our purpose here is to get the movie out and get it into as many American family homes as we possibly can so we can get and keep the Constitution in the minds and hearts of all Americans.”
The heart of the full-length movie – which was filmed in the Savannah, Georgia area – shows that if the Constitution is lost, freedom as it’s currently known is also lost.
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