Jeffress: Trump didn’t cause evangelical divide, he exposed it
Dr. Robert Jeffress has never been shy in his support of President Trump.
It’s what one would expect of someone who serves on the president’s evangelical executive advisory board. But he let loose with both barrels on Wednesday on American Family Radio when asked about the much-discussed “evangelical divide” on Trump.
“This is hypocritical of the evangelicals who say their personal piety won’t allow them to support President Trump,” Jeffress stated. “I mean, my gosh – how self-righteous is that? When did personal piety ever become a test of who you were going to vote for for president?”
Still, he doesn’t deny there is a divide among evangelicals. “[But] President Trump didn’t cause the divide – he has exposed it,” he explains. “It’s been a growing divide between those who take the Bible seriously and those who don’t. I call them the ‘evangelical elite,’ the Christianity Today crowd.”
During the interview on “Janet Mefferd Live,” the senior pastor of First Baptist-Dallas noted many of those same evangelicals had no problem backing twice-married, former Democrat, and abortion-supporting Ronald Reagan when he ran against monogamous, Baptist Sunday School teacher Jimmy Carter in 1980. He also argued that the majority of everyday conservative Christians still support the president.
“What you’re seeing is the divide between these ‘evangelical elites’ who continue to resist President Trump’s policies and the vast majority of evangelicals in the pews who swept him into office and continue to support him,” he said.
In fact, Jeffress says it’s the never-Trump evangelicals who have left their core theology behind.
“What it comes down to is the ‘evangelical elite’ really don’t embrace these values,” said Jeffress. “They are more concerned about fixing the problem with DREAMers than they are about protecting the life of the unborn. Or when it comes to Israel, they are much more concerned about the plight of the ‘poor Palestinians’ than they are of protecting the Jews’ right to inhabit that land God gave them.”
He didn’t stop there: “And when it comes to religious liberty, [if] you talk to these evangelical elites privately [you’ll find] they really do believe those Colorado bakers ought to be forced to bake that wedding cake for a gay wedding.”
Jeffress told the radio host that President Trump is “the most pro-life, pro-religious liberty, pro-Israel president in history.”
Listen to the full interview with Dr. Jeffress (begins at 14:00)
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