Planned Parenthood squirming to survive
American Life League has released its annual report on Planned Parenthood indicating that this year the abortion chain opened five new clinics, one each in five states and closed 32 facilities in 16 states.
That report can be read here.
ALL director Jim Sedlak says that continues to be a trend.
“They were at their high back in 1995 when they had 938 clinics,” Sedlak says, “and right now Planned Parenthood is down to 597 clinics. They’ve closed 341 clinics since 1995. It is an organization that is imploding.”
According to the report, there is no let-up in closures and services are diminishing.
“Even their abortion services, at best, are staying even, and yet every year the taxpayers through the government contribute more and more money to Planned Parenthood,” Sedlak continues. “And that is an absolutely ridiculous situation.”
While getting well over a half-billion dollars from the government, the abortion conglomerate has lost business, dropping from 3.1 million customers to 2.4 million.
The “non-profit” Planned Parenthood reported a profit of $15 million for the year, but in past years has reported profits up to $125 million.
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