Beating Porn Addiction in 2018 Requires a Process
January 04, 2018
(TruNews) Each year around this time, most Americans are already starting to struggle with their new year’s resolutions.
Research shows that about 80 percent of them fail by February. For the nearly 70 percent of men in the Church who struggle with porn addiction and have committed to turning from their sinful ways, this is an uphill climb willpower alone won’t overcome.
As the producers of The Conquer Series, a six-cinematic DVD series aimed at men’s sexual integrity, have noted, it’s not about loving Jesus more, praying more, or even being more disciplined. Winning the battle over porn requires a plan for victory in the battle over one’s own brain.
Committing to a process—which is what they are urging men to do in 2018—takes time because there is no quick fix to problem. Those addicted to pornography have been using it to “medicate” a feeling of worthlessness in their souls, accessing the internal pharmacies of their brains.
It works like this: powerful neurotransmitters such as dopamine are released when one watches porn, which provides a temporary euphoria. But soon, perhaps within minutes, the feeling of shame sets in, restarting the self-destructive cycle.
Dr. Tim Jennings, a neuropsychologist, says:
“Any type of repetitive behavior will create trails in our brain that are going to fire on an automatic sequence.”
The result is years of bondage to pornography, no matter how much one loves the Lord. To break free, one must renew his mind by establishing new pathways to healthy sexuality. The Conquer Series offers proven strategies and practical daily tools to find that freedom.
Hosted by Dr. Ted Roberts, a former Marine Corps fighter pilot and pastor, the cinematic DVD series helps retrain men’s minds in a biblical way. More than 500,000 men have participated in the process with a better than 90 percent success rate.
Now thousands of churches are stepping up and offering The Conquer Series to their men, offering them a fighting chance in the battle against sexual sin. You can join that fight, too.
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