Question: I would like to know, what is a Bible Christian? My Great, Great, Great Grandparents were Bible Christians and I have no idea what you do. Thank you for your time.
False teachers
Question: I’m a 59 year old Christian. I have watched and listened to what the — network has to say. I speak in love, and not hate. I have come to the conclusion, that these so-called Christian stations, many denominations, are full of snakes, and are doing just what Christ said they would. False teachers, […]
Office of Apostle
Question: Is the office of Apostle still in existence in today’s world? If not, why is there a movement to reestablish it?
Is the Catholic church the right one?
Question: Sir, I was reading your site about the Catholic Church being the right one, and found it interesting, because the Bible teaches the exact opposite. In the Bible there is no (pope). We do not pray to Mary. We call no man on earth father, and on, and on. The Church that Christ built, […]
Unworthy to take the Lord’s Supper
Question: When is it inappropriate to take the Lord’s Supper?
How would you treat this issue (alcohol) if you were a pastor of a church?
Question: Would you allow the people of God to have the right to drink alcohol drinks? How would you treat this issue if you were to pastor a church? http://[email protected]
Is it Alright for Christians to Drink Alcohol?
Question: Hello, my name is —–, and I was truly impressed with this article [Is it Alright for Christians to Drink Alcohol?]. It is so hard to find a man of God who will be willing to tell the truth these days, concerning the gospel of Christ. I agree with you completely that Christians should […]
Why did the Pharisees condemn Jesus for drinking?
Question: The question on alcohol, if a Christian wasn’t allowed alcohol, why did the Pharisees condemn Jesus for drinking, if it wasn’t alcohol. Why did Jesus say not to drink wine in excess if there was no alcohol in it? Also, why did the Corinthian believers get drunk on it? Why did Lot get drunk? […]
What proof is there that the wine was unfermented?
Question: I have always grown up being taught that the water Jesus turned into wine was unfermented. I researched online but am confused as it looks like it was fermented (per the internet). What proof is there that the wine was unfermented?
Wine in the Bible
Question: This is a translation of a letter we received about our tract on Wine in the Bible.