Question: What is Christian Reiki? Is it biblical, mystical or eastern Buddhism?
Question: Please stop demonizing spiritualists; they don’t demonize your faith and beliefs, so please stop doing it to them. It’s judging others, lies and ignorance about others that causes conflict in the world, Christ knew that. Thanks
God is the judge.
Question: Religions divide us. God is one!! God is Love. Who is the judge? Who is judging themselves saved? Who is judging the other person UNSAVED? Are we God? God is the judge; only God knows the hearts of man. (Ps 75:7) God is the judge.
Question: Where does the Bible talk about the Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit?
More than one wife (polygamy)
Question: If it was ok for kings to have many wives, why is it wrong now? Was it ok then, or just disobedience?
Question: How did the Hebrews feel about the golden calf?
Question: Ok so I am having things go on that I don’t understand at all. I am 98% sure I have a ghost in my home, but I think that there may be a demon as well. When we were here about 8 months, we were sleeping and my 16 year old daughter started yelling […]
Muslim marriage
Question: Prior to becoming born again, I married a Muslim man. The marriage ceremony was performed by a Muslim priest (Imam). Am I married to this man in the eyes of God?
Married to a Jehovah’s Witness
Question: I have an old born again friend who is married to a non practicing Jehovah’s Witness. Would you class them as unequally yoked? His wife is also threatening to leave him if he does not start to follow her to her meetings. He asked me for advice a few weeks ago but I am […]
Tattoos and Christians
Question: Is it ok for Christians to get a tattoo?