Question: How often should I forgive my brother?
Question: What does the Altar represent?
I’m terrified of death even as a Christian!
Question: I am a Christian women age 52 and I’m terrified of death. Is that normal for a Christian? Also, lately I’ve wondered if there really is a God. I don’t know why these thoughts are popping into my mind, maybe I’m looking for proof. How do we know if the Bible really is […]
What does the Bible say about soul sleep?
Question: After a person dies does his/her soul go to heaven right away or does it sleep until Christ comes again. Also, does the person remember what he/she was on earth while in heaven?
Will people in heaven be aware of loved ones?
Question: Will people in heaven be aware of loved ones who were not saved and are not in heaven?
Where do the dead go?
Question: Where do the dead go? Where does the soul go when the silver chord breaks?
Where do believers go after they die?
Question: Where do dead believers go?
Unborn babies
Question: When Jesus comes back for the Church, will unborn babies go to heaven still? Also, in the Battle of Armageddon, will we fight or just the angels?
Question: Where does the Christian go at death? Answer: Jesus said: “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions, if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and […]
Is it ok to leave a husband who can’t provide financially…?
Question: Is it ok to leave a husband who can’t provide financially for his wife? What should a Christian wife do if her Christian husband can’t provide for her financially? Answer: A divorce should never be our first solution when we have a problem in our marriage. God has stated in Malachi that He hates […]