Question: What exactly is the Spirit of God? What is the difference between the Spirit of God and the spirit of man?
The Holy Catholic Church
There are so many different denominations in the world, people ask, “Which is the right church?” Many churches claim they are the only right church, so how is a person to know?
Question: Where does the Bible talk about the Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit?
Office of Apostle
Question: Is the office of Apostle still in existence in today’s world? If not, why is there a movement to reestablish it?
Defense of Mark 16 & John 7:53-8:11
In Defense of Mark16: 9-20 and John 7:53-8:11
Fruit of the Spirit
Question: I would like to hear about all the fruit of the Spirit and the characteristics for each one. Galatians 5:22
Fleeces when praying for direction
Question: I’m seeking God’s guidance in a decision that needs to be made. It was suggested to me that I “throw out a fleece.” I know the story of Gideon so no need to preach a history lesson on him…but what defines a fleece? It’s something only God can do, I know that. But are […]
Question: How many days are between Passover and Pentecost?
New Creation (born again)
Question: I recently accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior and got baptized. I tell you that I feel like I was born again. My surrounding (i.e. The sky, the moon the stars creation in general) appears different to me. The type of person that I am, I am really sort of impatient. I want more […]
Oil and healing
Question: I want to know if we are still supposed to use anointing oil as they were doing in the Old Testament, or are we supposed to stop after Jesus was crucified. What is the right thing about this, as some pastors are making it look like it is now demonic to use anointing oil, […]