Question: What does the Bible say about not having sex, but living together before marriage? Answer: We have addressed this question in several different forms on this discussion page. God tells us that we are to abstain from all appearance of evil (1 Thessalonians 5:22). The Bible also tells us to not cause a person […]
Concerns about children getting married
Question: My 26 year old Christian son has just told us through an email me. that he is going to get married. He just met this girl 3 months ago. He has always wanted to be married and have lots of children. All of his friends are encouraging this marriage. He is a fine Christian. […]
Living with someone during the engagement
Question: Hello Gary and Marlene, I thank you for your response and prayers. I have some good news, but I did want to answer your question first. I did live with my husband during our engagement for about a year before we were married. We dated about 2 years, were engaged, and will be married […]
Abstaining from sexual immorality
Question: I am a Christian teenager. I’ve believed that Jesus is my Savior with all my heart for my entire life. But there has been something bothering me for a while now. I go to a Christian school and I’ve found a girl I like very much, and I just went on my first […]
Muslim marring Christian
Question: I really do not want to upset my Lord, but I tell you, that a Muslim man is the FIRST male that I have EVER gotten along so well with. He is unlike any male that I have EVER dated. I have been married before and my husband was “Christian” and put me through more […]
Question: I am not so sure that just using the New King James Version is 100% appropriate. 1 Corinthians 6:9 says nothing about Sodomy in the NIV or in the King James Bible. Although some of the Sins mentioned are in “Sodomy.” The other translations do not include all things in Sodomy. Also, you fail […]
Verbal abuse in a marriage
Question: I was doing a search regarding verbal abuse in a marriage and the God’s feelings about the issue when I found your page.
Still before the Lord
Question: Have been reading your site. Can you help with this question: how does one be (come) still before the Lord? It is all very well to say, ‘be still’, and that part of being still is to still the mind. But how does one still the mind? I find myself drifting into thoughts related […]
Husband won’t work
Question: I just read your article on divorce because of financial reasons. My husband will not work. He has lied to me and manipulated our finances for 33 years. He has worked in the past, do not know what happened to the money because we always struggled and we should not have. But he has […]
Live together without being married
Question: Is it alright for two Christians to live together without being married? My sister’s boyfriend’s brother, who is a Christian, lives with his girlfriend. I don’t know if there is any sexual activity going on, but I think this is influencing my sister to consider doing the same. She feels that there is nothing […]