Question: Please explain Deuteronomy 14:26 to me. I have been doing an internet search regarding alcoholic beverage consumption and what the Bible has to say. This one verse has really perplexed me because this is the only time I have seen a possible endorsement of intoxicating liquors in the Bible.
Defense of Mark 16 & John 7:53-8:11
In Defense of Mark16: 9-20 and John 7:53-8:11
Question: Why should Christians sing?
Fruit of the Spirit
Question: I would like to hear about all the fruit of the Spirit and the characteristics for each one. Galatians 5:22
Question: I have also had problems with another spiritual gift. The gift of prophecy. I have heard that since Christ’s prophecy is further revealing of the current Word of God as in preaching. That there is no new future prophecy. It has all been revealed. Study reveals the Greek meaning to indicate the utterance of […]
Question: I would like to chime in on the wine discussion. I believe the unfermented wine theory unravels with the pull of a thread. That thread is found when Jesus speaks a parable of wineskins.
The Sabbath
Question: I believe Saturday is the Sabbath. I was told that Jesus is Lord over the Sabbath, and we don’t as Christians take Saturday as the Jews do. Is this correct?
Translations of the Bible
Question: [I] just want to know why there are many translations of our Bible.
Eye of the needle
Question: What does [the] eye of a needle mean in the Bible?
Home Bible Study
Question: Do you have some literature for me to do some in home studying and some classes on-line?