Question: I’m a 59 year old Christian. I have watched and listened to what the — network has to say. I speak in love, and not hate. I have come to the conclusion, that these so-called Christian stations, many denominations, are full of snakes, and are doing just what Christ said they would. False teachers, […]
Unworthy to take the Lord’s Supper
Question: When is it inappropriate to take the Lord’s Supper?
Question: Was Samson’s strength really in his hair?
Question: I was reading in Corinthians and now I am confused. Were there two disciples named Judas? They say he bought a field named blood field. I thought he hung himself and the money was at his feet? Please help me.
Question: What does the Altar represent?
More than one wife (polygamy)
Question: If it was ok for kings to have many wives, why is it wrong now? Was it ok then, or just disobedience?
Why did the Israelites not eat meat from their vast herds?
Question: I found your words on the net: “Sometimes we have to dig to find the answers, and that is what God wants, He wants us to dig into His Word, that is perfect, and it will enlighten our souls.” I have been unable to discover an answer for the questions below regarding feeding Israel […]
Question: How did the Hebrews feel about the golden calf?
Dinosaur Dilemma by Dennis Lindsay “To many Christians the word “dinosaur” has been somewhat of an enigma, a stumbling block, because it seems dinosaurs don’t fit into the traditional view of Biblical creation. Some dinosaurs were of such size and proportion it is hard to visualize their being created along with the other animals during […]
New Creation (born again)
Question: I recently accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior and got baptized. I tell you that I feel like I was born again. My surrounding (i.e. The sky, the moon the stars creation in general) appears different to me. The type of person that I am, I am really sort of impatient. I want more […]