Question: Is it true [that] in order to have the Holy Spirit in you, [you] have to speak in tongues?
Why do Roman Catholics believe the Eucharist actually becomes the body/blood
Question: Why do Roman Catholics believe the Eucharist actually becomes the body and blood of Christ, and what should be our attitude towards the bread and grape juice used in Communion?
How was Jesus in the tomb for three days?
Bible Questions Answered by Paul R. Van Gorder (Radio Bible Class): Question: A young believer has asked the following question: “If Jesus was crucified on Good Friday and rose on the first day of the week, how could He have been in the grave for 3 nights?” Answer: First of all, I am aware that […]
False teachers
Question: I’m a 59 year old Christian. I have watched and listened to what the — network has to say. I speak in love, and not hate. I have come to the conclusion, that these so-called Christian stations, many denominations, are full of snakes, and are doing just what Christ said they would. False teachers, […]
Office of Apostle
Question: Is the office of Apostle still in existence in today’s world? If not, why is there a movement to reestablish it?
Unworthy to take the Lord’s Supper
Question: When is it inappropriate to take the Lord’s Supper?
Defense of Mark 16 & John 7:53-8:11
In Defense of Mark16: 9-20 and John 7:53-8:11
Question: Why should Christians sing?
Fruit of the Spirit
Question: I would like to hear about all the fruit of the Spirit and the characteristics for each one. Galatians 5:22
Question: I have also had problems with another spiritual gift. The gift of prophecy. I have heard that since Christ’s prophecy is further revealing of the current Word of God as in preaching. That there is no new future prophecy. It has all been revealed. Study reveals the Greek meaning to indicate the utterance of […]