Question: I just recently found your web article about Islam. I have recently come up against followers of Islam who attack the King James Bible as not being reliable because of who King James was himself. Have you come against this and if so, what can you lend as far as info to combat this? […]
Muslim with questions about Scripture
Question: A person of Muslim faith has brought to me a question in argument pointing out a flaw of the scripture over the unfair treatment of women in the scriptures. The scripture that is brought before me is from Deuteronomy 22:28-29. I will quote what the person of Muslim faith actually wrote: “If a man […]
Praying in the Spirit
Question: I have always had difficulty with a spiritual gift. The gift of tongues. In my reading I have come across the groaning of the Spirit, and Paul saying he speaks in tongues often.
Prayer and the Sovereignty of God
Question: My question has to do with prayer. I believe that God knows all and that He knows what our lives will be like before we live them. If this is the case, where does prayer come in? Does it really change God’s mind when we pray or is it just to bring us closer […]
Using Icon or Idols to pray to
Question: I am trying to convince my cousin that Roman Catholics are wrong…he is asking where in [the] Bible is it written in the New Testament [that] we must not pray with a photo or idol of Jesus Christ. Answer: I understand that you are concerned because your cousin prays before a photo or statue […]
Vain repetitions
Question: Is saying the same prayers everyday correct by the Roman Catholics? In Matthews 6:7 it says not to do that.
Question: I have been reading in Acts 1:15-20, and was confused, as I had always believed that Judas hung himself, that he tried to give the 30 pieces of silver back and they would not accept it, as it was then considered blood money.