Cleveland detective: Obama ‘has blood on his hands’
Three offices were gunned down in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, over the weekend in what looks like the latest effort of activists to target police. Speaking from Spain, President Barack Obama – who has done little to discourage the BLM movement and its adherents – said it’s gaining steam.
“Maintaining a truthful and serious and respectful tone is going to help mobilize American society to bring about real change – and that is our ultimate objective,” he stated.
And he called on the police to be respectful. “I would hope that police organizations are also respectful of the frustrations that people in these communities feel and not just dismiss these protests and these complaints,” said the president.
After all, said the president, if they would only admit they’re part of the problem, there might be a smoother path to the Black Lives Matter goals.
“If police organizations and departments acknowledge that there’s a problem and there’s an issue, then that too is going contribute to real solutions,” Obama added.
But not everyone agrees with the chief executive. For example, Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association president Steve Loomis, speaking with Fox News, said Obama is part of the problem, not the solution.
“The President of the United States validated the false narrative and the nonsense that Black Lives Matter and the media are pressing out there to the public – [he] validated it with his very divisive statements,” said Loomis. “And now we see an escalation.”
He says it’s time for the country to call on new leadership.
“It is reprehensible – and the President of the United States has blood on his hands and it will not be able to come washed off,” Loomis argued.
Placing the blame
Loomis isn’t alone in his characterization of the president’s nurturing of the Black Lives Matter movement. In fact, a conservative black leader gives the president sole responsibility for fostering an environment of anarchy in the U.S.
Council Nedd II is an elected state constable in Pennsylvania and board member of the Project 21 (The National Leadership Network of Black Conservatives). He says the anti-law enforcement environment has been fostered by Mr. Obama.
“[He] is singlehandedly responsible for this. This is a child of his own making,” says Nedd. “You know he’s always quick to take credit for things that he may or may not have done or had anything to do with – but where is President Obama when it’s time to take responsibility and pay the piper when something goes horribly wrong?
“He’s singlehandedly responsible for fostering an environment where war has openly been declared on America’s law enforcement officials.”
Nedd adds that with both his words and his actions, Obama has supported Black Lives Matter.
“The fact is they’re a terrorist organization that’s called for all sorts of heinous things relating to attacks upon law enforcement,” the black leader tells OneNewsNow.
“And whether the movement has been co-opted by some really, really evil bad people with terroristic notions or not, the fact is the Black Lives Matter movement is completely tainted at this point – and I’m calling them a terrorist organization.”
Editor’s note: Council Nedd’s comments added after story originally posted.
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