Pro-lifers staging nationwide rallies vs. PP funding
As the movement seeking to expose the truth about Planned Parenthood continues change the way many America think about abortion, the largest nationwide series of pro-life rallies in the history of the United States picked up once again on Saturday — appearing in more than 200 cities.
The Pro-Life Action League’s #ProtestPP protests are setting out to champion the sanctity of human life for millions of preborn children by stressing that the abortion debate is not about so-called “women’s reproductive rights,” but all about “what is right.” In the midst of Planned Parenthood’s latest scandal revealing its selling of aborted baby body parts for research, the nonprofit pro-life organization is encouraging dialogue to get its message across as the 2016 presidential election approaches this November.
Pro-Life Action League Executive Director Eric Scheidler is confident that attitudes are shifting in the pro-life vs. abortion debate, as conservative candidates are unapologetically hitting the topic of abortion head-on.
“We’ve seen this nowhere more publicly than on the presidential debate stage,” Scheidler pointed out, noting his excitement about abortion finally being boldly treated as a moral issue.
Stoking the fire for life
Pro-Life Action League, together with Created Equal and Citizens for a Pro-Life Society have coordinated the Saturday protests taking place in Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., and about 200 other cities from coast to coast.
The massive nationwide demonstration that is urging the defunding of Planned Parenthood comes in the wake of a spectacular showing in 2015, when multitudes of Americans gathered in support of the right to life of preborn children.
“Last year 100,000 citizens rallied against Planned Parenthood at over 400 locations, reacting in outrage to the abortion giant’s callous treatment of unborn children,” Pro-Life Action League announced in its press release. “In the wake of these protests, more than 20 Planned Parenthood centers closed and nine states stripped funding for the organization from their budgets.”
Maximum exposure
Scheidler, who is the organizer of #ProtestPP, believes that Americans have had enough of the atrocities inflicted upon the preborn at the hands of abortionists, calling attention not only to the world’s largest abortion provider, but to the notorious Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell, who was convicted in 2013 for his inhumane abortion practices.
“The public was appalled at Kermit Gosnell’s ‘House of Horrors,'” the pro-life activist insisted. “Last year’s videos exposed Planned Parenthood’s crude and mercenary treatment of the babies they abort, and destroyed any illusion that that they are any more humane than the ‘back-alley’ abortionists they claim to abhor.”
With the Planned Parenthood scandal drawing a great amount of attention across America over the past year, the campaign messaging on abortion delivered by presidential frontrunners from both parties — the Republicans’ Donald Trump and the Democrats’ Hillary Clinton — are igniting tempers of both conservatives and liberals, alike. The aim of the April 23 protests is to make sure more pressure is put on the government to stop funding Planned Parenthood by drawing more attention to the abortion giant’s track record of exploiting and massacring preborn children.
An additional argument Scheidler makes against the “culture of death” is his denunciation of “abortion exceptionalism,” which he interprets as “the idea that abortion vendors and proponents receive protections not granted any other business and are often exempt from the standards other medical facilities must adhere to despite the invasive procedures they perform.”
With the recent passing of the late United States Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia and with the attacks on pro-lifers seeking to expose what goes on behind the doors of abortion clinics, Scheidler believes that pro-life advocates and the legislation they support will continue to fight an uphill battle in courtrooms across the nation.
“There is a glaring prejudice against the sanctity of human life in America’s legal system,” Scheidler contends.
In particular, Scheidler was referring to the allegedly unscrupulous actions of California Attorney General and U.S. Senate candidate Kamala Harris, who is attempting to convict undercover journalist David Daleiden of criminal charges for recording Planned Parenthood employees as they incriminated themselves on videos that eventually went viral. The outspoken pro-life leader contends that Harris is attacking Daleiden for using the same techniques that were used by animal rights activists who she previously defended in the courtroom.
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