Anne Graham Lotz warns US in last judgment stage
Evangelist Anne Graham Lotz warned Christian leaders at a pastors’ conference on Thursday at the nation’s capital that America has already begun its “downward spiral” into the “last stage” of the bottomless “abyss of God’s judgment.”
Lotz spoke for nearly half an hour at the Family Research Council’s “2016 Watchmen on the Wall Conference” in Washington, D.C., to alert Americans of the dire need to get God’s Word out to non-believers, as she asserts that the End Times are now among us.
“[We have an] urgency to reach the lost,” the daughter of the iconic world-renowned evangelist Billy Graham stressed to Christian leaders at the audience.
As one of the featured speakers at the D.C.-based nonprofit Christian organization’s event, the recently designated chairwoman of the National Day of Prayer issued a sober reminder to the pastors in attendance — a warning coming not too long after she voiced her belief months earlier that she believes the return of Jesus Christ will happen within her lifetime. She impressed her contention that God is indeed abandoning the United States as a consequence of its willful entry into an era of “sexual depravity” — as it increasingly embraces numerous forms of sexual immorality.
Embracing immorality, rejecting God
Lotz, who is the founder of AnGel Ministries, has renewed her calling for Christians in America to repent for their willingness to accept the LGBT agenda as activists continue to forward their sexual revolution in virtually every facet of Americans’ lives — in schools, businesses, politics, media, entertainment and the military.
While addressing the progressive agenda forced upon the 55 million children attending school in the U.S. — plus millions of young adults in colleges and universities — she targeted the education system’s blotting out of God. She mentioned how this was being done through indoctrinating impressionable students in evolution — as if it were a proven fact — saying this one of the reasons why God’s judgment on the nation has begun.
Lotz cited Romans 1:18–23 to remind pastors that God warns His people that impending wrath will overtake a people who exchange God for earthly things.
“‘The wrath of God is being revealed from Heaven against all the godless and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness’ — that is what is happening in America,” the author of the recently published The Daniel Prayer: Prayer That Moves Heaven and Changes Nations insisted. “‘For although they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God or gave thanks to Him because their thinking has become darkened. Although they claim to be wise, they became fools that exchanged their moral God for images made to look like mortal men, birds, animals and reptiles.'”
The Christian leader also argues that God condemns those who accept and promote the godless theory of Darwinian evolution through the Apostle Paul in Romans 1:23.
“That’s evolution, and our schools teach evolution as fact and Creationism — if it is mentioned — it is sort of a fringe theory. Therefore, God gave it over,” Lotz argued, according to The Christian Post. “God just backs away and gives us over in His first path in this downward spiral to sexual immorality. That is the sexual revolution. That is free sex, which actually is very expensive.”
She then addressed how Americans have hardened their hearts in recent decades to God’s Word and softened them to the sexual immorality promoted by government-run schools, the media and the entertainment industry.
“When we refuse to repent of our sin and turn to God, then in [Romans] verse 26, God gives us over to sexual depravity — which is what we see all around us today,” Lotz continued. “Then we refuse to repent of our sin and turn to God.”
The outspoken evangelist progressed through the first chapter of Romans until she came to verse 28, which she used as a solemn reminder that America is reaping God’s wrath.
“[America has entered the] last stage of this downward spiral into the abyss of God’s judgment,” Lotz impressed.
She proceeded by alerting America that it has already begun falling down its slippery slope toward self-induced destruction.
“The last step, ‘furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, He gave them over to a depraved mind, to a reprobate mind,'” Lotz read from Romans 1:28 before explaining it. “He gives us over to ourselves and I believe America is in the last stage of this downward spiral into the abyss of God’s judgment.”
It doesn’t get any better
For those who believe that America will reroute its course and begin to steer back toward God, Lotz gave them a sobering thought.
“God is backing away from America,” the prophetic speaker asserted. “He has said again and again and again, ‘If you forsake me, I will forsake you. If you abandon me, I will abandon you.’”
The North Carolina native then explained the cause and effect of America’s current predicament.
“So, we see God abandoning America as we shake our fist in his face and insist on our immorality and all the things we are doing,” Lotz contended. “We have lost the ability to think straight — no pun intended. God backs away and removes His hand of blessing and His hand of favor and His hand of protection.”
God’s beloved nation of Judah from biblical times was then used by the Christian speaker to show how it received His judgment. She explained that because the backslidden nation refused to repent of its sins and return to God, He allowed King Nebuchadnezzar to destroy it.
“He did it slowly … In the end, when Judah defied Him and insisted on her right to sin, He moved Nebuchadnezzar to destroy the walls of the city — burn the city with fire,” Lotz said, pointing to the Old Testament. “The people he didn’t take into captivity, he slaughtered in the streets, and Judah was no more. And if God would do that to the nation that He loved, what would He do to America?”
Emphasizing that it is never too late for believers and nonbelievers to repent and pray for America, the acclaimed evangelist repeated a familiar verse — John 3:16.
“God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son so that whosoever would believe in Him would not perish but have everlasting life,” Lotz read aloud.
She then warned those who put their faith in things other than the God of the Bible.
“But if you don’t believe in Him, you will perish,” Lotz insisted. “There are people all around us who are perishing. … You are born into the human race as a sinner. All are sinners and if we don’t do anything about it and we step into eternity still in our sin, we come under the judgement — the whole wrath of God. We are separated from Him forever, and that is Hell.”
Her speech ended with a promise and an assurance.
“That is not something I am telling you … don’t misunderstand me — that is just the Gospel,” Lotz concluded. “That’s why God sent Jesus.” email us at [email protected]
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