You might ask, Why do we need more comments or editorials on the news?” “I think we have enough of those already!” The way these editorials will be different is — they will be given from a Biblical perspective. They will not be from a Republican or Democratic point of view, but from the Word of God.
So often today we think that everyone has to be in a “conservative” or a “liberal” camp, but again I don’t see these terms in the Bible. I do believe we need to look at the news through Biblical principles and also how the news relates to prophecies from the Word of God.
We do need to have men and women today who will stand up like John the Baptist and say what needs to be said no matter what the cost. We do not need to think, “I wonder if this is the politically correct thing to say.” We need to hear, “This is what God says in His Word the Bible about that.”
At the same time, what we say needs to be said in love and in a constructive way. What we say should lead people to Christ and His Word. It should help Christians grow in Christ. So with these goals in mind, we have added this new web page, and I hope it will be of help and an encouragement to you as you read.
God bless you!