Pro-lifers in Ireland down but not out
Shortly after 66 percent of Irish voters opted last week to repeal a constitutional abortion ban, Lisa O’Hare of Human Life International insists that pro-life activists in Ireland have not lost hope.
“We may have lost the battle, but we haven’t lost the war,” O’Hare stressed. “We know that the truth still remains that human life is sacred, that Christ is Lord of Ireland, and we still have a duty to proclaim God’s truth and gospel to the world.”
Speaking to OneNewsNow after the lopsided vote, Steve Ertelt of Life News says the ban has saved thousands of babies since it was established in 1983.
He also doubts 66 percent of Irish voters consider themselves pro-abortion, predicting that some support it under extreme circumstances.
“We have to stay engaged,” he said, “in protecting unborn children.”
Asked about the steps her organization is spearheading to reestablish the sanctity of human life in Ireland, O’Hare shared several biblical measures it will take in the weeks and months ahead.
“We intend to intensify our campaign of prayer and repentance, education and reparation,” the pro-life activist explained. “We still believe in the power of God and His power to bring about the downfall of the enemies of the Church, and we believe He has a special plan for Ireland – and sometimes you have to endure the crucifixion before the resurrection Glory.”
Human Life International also has a crisis pregnancy support agency called Ask Majela, which O’Hare says her organization will support – despite government efforts to shut it down.
“So the battle certainly intensifies,” she continued. “It’s not over by any means, but we must keep our confidence and faith in the Lord.”
The Christian leader noted that the recent pro-abortion vote by Irish citizens has served as a wakeup call for pro-life advocates, who now know that they must increase efforts to reach the masses with God’s Word and biblical advice on abortion.
“Sometimes it’s important to have an indication and a diagnosis of where the country is at in order for us to move forward,” O’Have pointed out. “We must be even more confident and vocal in our protection of life and in our proclamation that all life is sacred.”
Members of the famous Irish rock band, U2, were among those supporting efforts to repeal the abortion ban, which dates back to the early 1980s.
While O’Hare does not think the popular group swayed the outcome of the vote on the issue, she does believe that it contributed to the results.
Editor’s Note: This story has been updated with comments from Steven Ertelt.
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