Hello Gary and Marlene,
“I need advice. My husband and I are Christians. Both of us are working. He has 2 daughters from his first marriage. Before, he mentioned that he could not help in the expenses because both children are in college. Last year the eldest graduated, but he is still not giving his share. He shares for his parents rent, provides education for the other daughter, and has money for his hobbies but not for sharing our monthly expenses. Worse still, he always wants to eat out, go places, and I end up paying for us both. I want to give up. I am starting to feel he doesn’t love me. He doesn’t even make an effort to buy simple gifts during Christmas or anniversaries. I talked to him about this but he just listens and keeps saying this is just temporary… I have been waiting too long and I want to give up.
Hi ——, Have him set a specific time-line when he is going to start helping with bills. You will not go out to eat unless he pays for it. College students need to pay their own way and start taking responsibility for themselves. We will be praying for your family. Write when you can. Stay in the Word of God, by reading your Bible every day. We have a daily Bible reading chart. Go to the search engine and put in Bible Reading Chart.
In Christian love, Gary and Marlene Panell
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