‘Two-child policy’ in China only an illusion
While China reported it ended its one-child policy, it wasn’t done to satisfy its citizens, says the group Women’s Rights Without Frontiers. Instead, according to the group’s founder and president, it was done because the country was heading towards economic disaster due to insufficient population entering the labor force.
Reggie Littlejohn relates two specific cases proving women are still forced to abort. One example involves a couple in Guangdong who thought they would have a second child.

“So they got pregnant – and now they are being told that they need to have an abortion at eight months or they will both lose their government jobs,” says Littlejohn. “So late-term, forced abortion is continuing in China up to this day.”
A second case also involves a Guangdong couple also hopeful of having a second child.
“… He Liping … is six months’ pregnant and they are not threatening her with job loss – probably [because] she doesn’t work at a government job – but they are forcing her to have a crippling fine which is 260,000 yuan, which is $39 thousand,” states the group leader.
“Terror fines,” as Littlejohn describes them, can range up to ten times a person’s annual salary – and in most cases the fines are unaffordable, thereby forcing women to abort.
In both of these discovered cases, the women must have late-term abortions, which can be a dangerous procedure. Littlejohn says caring people need to keep the pressure on China so that the day comes that forced abortion is ended nationwide. (See video below – Warning: graphic content)
Littlejohn vows Women’s Rights Without Frontiers will not halt its campaign until that happens.
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