New York Times Tops List of Trump’s ‘Fake News Awards’
Wednesday, 17 Jan 2018 08:26 PM
“2017 was a year of unrelenting bias, unfair news coverage, and even downright fake news,” the introduction to the list says on “Studies have shown that over 90 percent of the media’s coverage of President Trump is negative.”
Trump’s list was posted on The site crashed, but some websites were able to obtain screengrabs of the list.
Trump listed 11 stories plus 10 facts showing he was “getting results” while “the media spent 90 percent of the time focused on negative coverage or fake news.”
The No. 2 slot went to former ABC News investigative reporter Brian Ross for his false story last month on former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn that sent financial markets tumbling more than 300 points.
Ross was later suspended and reassigned.
“ABC News’ Brian Ross CHOKES and sends markets in a downward spiral with false report,” the entry says.
CNN finished third, with its December report candidate Trump and Donald Trump Jr. had access to documents that had been hacked from the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta and provided to WikiLeaks before they were published by the website.
Time magazine took the No. 4 slot, falsely reporting last January that President Trump had removed the bust of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. from the Oval Office.
The fifth spot went to The Washington Post for reporting, also in December, a “massive, sold-out” Trump rally in Pensacola, Florida, was empty.
“DISHONEST reporter showed picture of empty arena HOURS before crowd started pouring in,” the entry says.
CNN took the next two places, first for “FALSELY” editing a video showing the president dumping a full box of fish food into a Japanese koi pond on his November visit to Japan with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
“Japanese prime minister actually led the way with the feeding,” the entry says.
The next CNN story said in June that former White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci was under investigation by Congress for meeting with Russians — but it was “retracted it due to a ‘significant breakdown in process,'” the entry says.
Three CNN journalists resigned in the wake of debacle.
“Three CNN reporters resign over retracted story on Russian ties,” the entry says, quoting The Washington Post headline.
No. 8 went to Newsweek magazine for its July report that Polish first lady Agata Kornhauser-Duda did not shake Trump’s hand on his visit to Warsaw.
Kornhauser-Duda shook first lady Melania Trump’s hand first and then the president’s.
CNN was next again, with its June report that former FBI Director James Comey would dispute President Trump’s claim Comey told him multiple times he was not under investigation for any alleged Russian ties in testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee.
Comey mentioned in his opening statement Trump was not under investigation, though he did not specify whether the president was not under criminal investigation.
The former director only said no counterintelligence investigation was underway on the president.
Four CNN journalists worked the story, based on unnamed sources.
The Times took 10th place, with its front-page report in August that the White House had hidden a damning report on climate change.
The Times had published a leaked copy of the report.
“New York Times guilty of large screw-up of climate-change story,” the entry says, using another Washington Post headline.
The last slot went to the overall coverage of “RUSSIAN COLLUSION,” the entry says and the probe headed up by special counsel Robert Mueller.
“Russian collusion is perhaps the greatest hoax perpetuated on the American people.
“THERE IS NO COLLUSION,” the entry adds, which also includes a tweet from President Trump earlier this month on the issue:
The 10 accomplishments cited are:
- The economy creating nearly 2 million jobs and gaining over $8 trillion in wealth since Trump’s inauguration.
- African Americans and Hispanics “enjoying the lowest unemployment rates in recorded history.”
- Trump signing the tax cut bill last month, promising “relief for hardworking Americans not seen since President [Ronald] Reagan.”
- President Trump’s regulatory reductions — exceeding the mandate of “2 out for every 1 in” and issuing 22 deregulatory actions for every one new regulatory action.
- Creating “an American energy boom by ending Obama-era regulations, approving the Keystone pipeline, auctioning off millions of new acres for energy exploration, and opening up” the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for drilling.
- Putting the Islamic State “in retreat, having been crushed in Iraq and Syria.”
- Trump following through on his “promise to recognize” Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and instructing “the State Department to begin to relocate” the American Embassy.
- Increasing contributions from more members of the NATO alliance toward “paying their fair share for the common defense” because of “President Trump’s encouragement.”
- Signing the Veterans Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act in June, which allows top VA officials to “fire failing employees and establishes safeguards to protect whistleblowers.”
- Keeping his “promise” and appointing Neil Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Read Full Article Here The New York Times Tops List of Trump’s ‘Fake News Awards’
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