Pirro rips Comey as ‘pompous liar’ over book
While making her opening statement in her Fox News show, Justice with Judge Jeanine, Pirro redirected criticism away from Trump – that was unleashed in the new memoir slated to hit bookstores on Tuesday – right back at Comey by making a mockery of its A Higher Loyalty title, insisting that the only dedication the former FBI head has is a “loyalty to himself.”
Pot calling the kettle black?
The conservative TV personality went on to stress the sheer irony of someone with such a tainted past – laden with incessant coverups and false statements – having the audacity to come out with a book taking aim at someone else’s integrity.
“Why would you believe a guy with a history replete with lies, dishonesty and contradictions?” Pirro posed, according to Fox News Insider.
She then compared the former federal agent’s clear political bias by comparing his treatment of the former Democratic president – under whom he originally served – with the current Republican president who fired him.
“Pirro said that Comey was blustering when he repeatedly praised former President Barack Obama – and at one point wrote that he ‘could see and evaluate a variety of angles on complicated issues,’” Fox News Insider pointed out from the program.
The candid judge proceeded to give delegitimize and make light of Comey’s adulation for the 44th president.
“Like when [Obama] bragged about traveling to all ’57’ states?” Pirro jested.
The vocal host then challenged the book’s credibility as nothing more than half-baked lies coming from the far-left.
“[Comey’s book is as] unprofessional and illegitimate as a Stormy Daniels highlight reel,” Pirro insisted.
She also took to Twitter Sunday, reserving some choice adjectives to label the reportedly vengeful ex-FBI director who many argue is still upset that he lost his job early on in the Trump administration.
“James Comey, you are a pompous, egotistical, patronizing, condescending, holier-than-thou political operative trying to redeem your reputation,” Pirro tweeted Sunday. “Your book is about a higher loyalty to none other than you.”
Making it personal
Comey was also criticized for not keeping his focus on Trump’s character and resorting to personal insults about his appearance – cheap shots often witnessed on the schoolyard.
“Pirro said Comey wrote at length about Trump as a person, noting the size of his hands, considering whether or not he regularly wears tanning goggles and whether his famous hair is real,” the Insider recounted.
The legal expert also indicated that Trump’s harsh criticism of Comey is not unique among the former FBI head’s colleagues, as his subordinates often took their own jabs at their “pious” boss.
“She remarked that Comey himself was the subject of contemplation at the FBI, with agents reportedly referring to him as Cardinal Comey,” the report recounted.
Pirro also attacked the unprofessionalism demonstrated under Comey’s leadership.
“Pirro said it was unbecoming of his former office to try to consider whether First Lady Melania Trump would believe President Donald Trump was involved in a graphic sex act with prostitutes in Russia – as claimed in an unverified dossier,” the Insider continued.
She followed up by discouraging anyone swayed by the promotion of Comey’s new book.
“Now why would you believe a guy with a history replete with lies, dishonesty and contradictions?” Pirro inquired in her Fox News post on Twitter. “We’ll find out Tuesday when disgraced former FBI Director James @Comey’s book, ‘A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies and Leadership’ hits the stands.”
Pirro explained why the suspicions of Comey’s wife are not on high alert today.
“[Its because Patrice [Comey] was never presented with a fake dossier by the director of the FBI – who parenthetically knew it wasn’t true,” she asserted.
Not Pirro’s first beef with Comey …
The nationally acclaimed judge went on to resurface Comey’s questionable coverup before the last presidential election.
“Pirro ripped Comey for excusing his actions late in the 2016 election as trying to prevent a ‘tainted’ Hillary Clinton presidency,” the Insider noted.
She then impressed that the only reason Comey revisited Clinton’s email server scandal was to cover himself – due to pressure from local and federal law enforcement.
“Everyone in law enforcement knows you reopened the Hillary Clinton case because the NYPD and the New York [FBI] field office were going to ‘out’ you for protecting her,” Pirro stressed, according to the Insider.
Pirro’s contempt for Comey was especially prevalent about a week before American voters took to the ballot box to cast their support for Trump or Clinton. This was when she ripped Comey for sending lawmakers a letter about the incriminating communications found on former secretary of State Clinton’s private email server – showing that her criticism of Comey has little to do with partisan bias.
“Whether it’s Hillary Clinton or anyone else, Comey’s actions violate not only longstanding Justice Department policy, the directive of a person he works under the attorney general, but even more important, the most fundamental rules of fairness and impartiality,” Pirro argued on her show on Oct. 30, 2016, according to The Hill.
The inappropriate timing of Comey’s actions and his unprofessional conduct as the head of the FBI was emphasized.
“[Comey’s letter that was sent 11 days before the presidential election] disgraces and politicizes the FBI and is symptomatic of all that is wrong in Washington,” Pirro continued.
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