Former Head of DIA Blasts Obama’s ISIS Strategy
President Barack Obama’s highest-ranking military intelligence official — forced out for excessive candor in 2014 — continued his no-holds-barred critiques in this 20-minute video interview with The Daily Caller News Foundation.
Retired in 2014, Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn, President Obama’s former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency at the Pentagon, served in the U.S. Army for 30 years but believes the nation is being lead by an ideological allegiance that crowds out strategies and decisions based on facts on the ground.
According to the candid Flynn, President Obama — who called ISIS a “JV team” — is downplaying the Islamic threat and overstating our readiness because of an allegiance to his ideology. The energetic general dismisses the tone-deaf Democrat or media elite’s focus on gun control or Islamaphobia after the Paris and San Bernardino terrorist attacks. Flynn says, “It is about religion, and not about gun control.”
“It’s a cancerous form of radical Islamism and we cannot allow it to exist on this planet anymore,” he continues.
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