Famous Evangelical says Trump accepted Jesus Christ
(TRUNEWS) Dr. James Dobson says Donald Trump has recently accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, and that Christians should be praying for him.
In an interview with the President and CEO of Godfactor, Michael Anthony, Dr. Dobson said “I think he is listening, theres a lot of people ministering to him personally, a lot of ministers. He did accept a relationship with Christ, I know the person who led him to Christ, and thats fairly recent.”
Expanding on that statement, Dr. Dobson went on to say:
“I don’t know when it was but it has not been long, and I believe he really made a commitment, but he’s a baby Christian, we all need to be praying for him, especially if theres a possibly of him being our next chief executive officer, and I think that he’s open. He doesn’t know our language, you know, we had 40 Christians together with him, he used the word hell four or five times, he doesn’t know our language, he really doesn’t, and he refers a lot to religion and not much to faith and belief.”
Mr. Anthony responded to Dr. Dobson’s comments about Trump’s ignorance of Christian etiquette, “you know its interesting that you say that, I’m sure Saul when he became Paul didn’t know much of the language either.”
To this, Dr. Dobson said:
“Ya well you’ve got to cut him some slack he didn’t grow up like we did. And I think theres hope for him, and I think theres hope for us. I have great concerns about the next election.”
Dr. Dobson was part of a select group of Evangelicals who were invited to meet with the presumptive nominee in private prior to the main event in New York City Tuesday — which included 1000 Christian leaders from around the country, and TRUNEWS President Rick Wiles.
Regardless of who led Donald Trump to Christ, and whether this conversion is genuine, Christians throughout the world should be praying for blessings of safety and wisdom over the man who may very well be the next President of the United States of America.
May God work in his heart and soul as our nation faces the largest crisis of character since its inception.
Could this be associated with Retired Firefighter Mark Taylor’s Trump Prophecy?
Read more at http://www.trunews.com/famous-evangelical-says-trump-accepted-jesus-christ/#M2R8rHTUCSoo2ZYJ.99
How can he be saved if he doesn’t recognize a fundamental truth of mans sinful nature and God’s grace to forgive mankind of their sin.
He says he has not done anything to ask God’s forgiveness. His basic nature is that of sin just as we all are.
How can the Christian body of believers ignore this basic fact of our faith?
Hi Gary, I do not personally know if President Trump is saved or not. I will leave that to God, but I do pray for him, and am thankful for all the Christian decisions he has made. Thank you for your comments Gary. All I did was put on the comments that Dr. Dobson gave back in 2016. Only time will tell where he stands with God. President Ronald Reagen was not truly saved, it seems, until he almost died in an assignation attempt. I thank God for a man like Trump who supports Christians and Christianity. Is President Trump perfect, no, but I believe God put him into office and I will always vote for life, as he has shown he is supporting. That is enough for me right now. Also, he has a vice president who very clearly says, he is born again. Let’s keep praying that if he is not saved, that he will become born again. I hope this helps, Gary