Colorado showing signs of going ‘Red’
The head of a Colorado-based conservative think tank says it’s very telling that recent polls show Donald Trump quickly gaining ground in what was assumed by pundits to be a safe state for Hillary Clinton.
Long considered a state that would be safely in the Clinton column, Colorado now finds itself lumped among the “toss up” states identified by RealClearPolitics. The compilation polling between Clinton and Trump has tightened considerably over the last month, with the Democrat’s 9.7-point lead (on September 7) dwindling to 3.3 points on October 4. In the waning days of September, Trump even held a half-point lead.
Jeff Hunt is executive director of the Centennial Institute, which is housed at Colorado Christian University.
“We do have some work to do,” he says. “But it looks like Trump is doing pretty well in Colorado. And if he can win Colorado, then that’s really indicative of his health in a lot of swing states. And he might be able to pull this out and be our next president.”
Hunt urges Trump to continue to pound on the issue of Clinton being a political insider for 30 years.
“[During the first debate] he highlighted the fact that it’s just now that she wants to take on ISIS,” he says. “Well, she was part of the problem with regards to rise of ISIS. So if he continues to do that, he’ll do very well here in Colorado.”
Hunt points out that Colorado – which went to Obama in both 2008 and 2012 – isn’t the only Blue state that could turn Red. States like Pennsylvania, Minnesota, and Maine have moved into the toss-up column on the RealClearPolitics electoral map and could ultimately be won by Trump.
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