Nationwide prayer to stop PP on its 100th anniv.
Planned Parenthood has been celebrating its 100th anniversary this year to commemorate the legacy of abortion established by its infamous founder.
It was in 1916 that eugenecist and racist Margaret Sanger opened her first birth control center in New York – a facility that later became known as the Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Sanger – who has often been exposed for her comments expressing her desire to minimize black populations in America that she felt were inferior to other races – continues to be lauded by Planned Parenthood and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton for her contribution to women’s so-called “reproductive rights.”
The Planned Parenthood Federation of America was previously opposed to abortion, but in 1970 changed course and started terminating the lives of babies.
Pro-Life Action League Executive Director Eric Scheidler wants the pro-abortion organization to stop its ongoing genocide of America’s most innocent victims.
“We have called for prayer vigils to confront Planned Parenthood,” Scheidler informed. “You know, they have very powerful allies in government. They have an undying and faithful ally in the media and Hollywood. We cannot match Planned Parenthood dollar for dollar, yet we can confront them with something they have none of. They don’t have the power of our Lord and prayer.”
To make a stand for life, prayer vigils will be held at more than 100 Planned Parenthood abortion clinics nationwide this coming Saturday.
“First and foremost, we’re going out to mourn for those 7.3 million children that Planned Parenthood has killed over the years,” Scheidler pointed out. “They are our brothers and sisters, whose faces we will never see, whose names we will not know until we meet them in Heaven and whose lives we miss. And so we acknowledge their humanity by mourning for them together.
Locations for the vigils are at protest For those who do not find a location for prayer in their city, Scheidler encourages people to take several minutes out of their day and invest their own time of prayer to stop Planned Parenthood’s ongoing government-funded genocide.
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