Pro-lifers optimistic in wake of Trump’s election
For the past eight years, moving such proposals through Congress has been thwarted and, as a result, preborn babies have been less protected. Carol Tobias, who heads the National Right to Life Committee, spoke with OneNewsNow following Tuesday night’s election results.
“We had a majority in the House of Representatives and in the Senate who would be willing to pass pro-life legislation. Unfortunately, we didn’t have enough to overcome a filibuster in the Senate,” she explains.

“And of course, for the past eight years we’ve had a president who was threatening to veto any pro-life legislation – and in fact, he did.”
The pro-life leader is more optimistic now, with Trump heading to the White House in January. During the third presidential debate, he stated unequivocally his opposition to abortion – particularly late-term abortion.
“I have a feeling Congress is going to once again look at protecting unborn babies who have developed to the point where they can feel pain,” says Tobias. “They will protect babies from the gruesome dismemberment abortion procedure – and certainly we are going to do everything we can to make sure that Planned Parenthood no longer receives tax dollars.”
The abortion giant is obviously concerned about a Trump presidency.

“Today, our Planned Parenthood family, supporters, and patients are waking up to a reality we fought so hard to prevent,” PP president Cecile Richards said Wednesday in a fundraising request. “Instead of welcoming reproductive health champion Hillary Clinton as our first female president, we saw Donald Trump take the White House.”
Richards also used such words as “devastated … angry … outraged … disgusted … [and] shattered” to describe her feelings about what happened in the election.
In contrast, Tobias says it’s of utmost importance that Trump, once in office, fulfill his commitment to appoint pro-life judges to the courts, including the Supreme Court.
“We have several justices on the court who are elderly – and I hope they decide that they should retire and spend some time with grandchildren or traveling or do whatever they like to do,” she shares. “But I hope that we have an opportunity for President Trump to appoint several justices to the Supreme Court.”
A ‘reprieve’ for the preborn
Mark Harrington, head of the pro-life group Created Equal, sees similar opportunities for benefiting the unborn.

“Now we have a shot at bringing equilibrium, at least, to the U.S. Supreme Court [and] defunding Planned Parenthood because we have majorities in both the House and Senate – and at minimum, [passing] a 20-week ban on abortion,” he states. “So the preborn got a reprieve.”
And like Tobias, Harrington says a top priority is replacing the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia with a pro-life justice who will stick with the Constitution instead of pursuing a social and political agenda.
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