Assassination: That is Hateful!
November 10, 2016

News headlines are inundated with talks of many dissatisfied with Donald Trump being elected president. The reality that on Jan. 20, 2017, Trump will be sworn in as the 45th President of the United States, does not sit well at all. Some educators claim to have had to “console” students coping with the decision American voters have made.
But, among the protests, walkouts, and ungodly debates a real danger lurks. According to a report by The Daily Caller, social media is beginning to see a surge in calls for Trump to be assassinated. The Republican victory has made a statement never seen in recent history. It has sent a message to politicians Republican and Democrats alike that they are not irreplaceable and drastic change is being demanded. Official word has not been released of whether the Secret Service is investigating these threats on social media.
The call is still out for the Body of Christ to assume their position in the midst of all of this chaos, violence and hate. May the words out of our mouths and the meditation of our hearts be acceptable in God’s sight. Prayer is not a part-time position!
Original article by The Daily Caller / TRUNEWS analysis.
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