Suspected jihadist w/weapons cache released in Minn.
On May 11, 27-year-old Abdullah Alrfahe and his 26-year-old brother Majid Alrfahe were arrested in north Minneapolis after a good Samaritan asked them to stop throwing trash out of their car. From just outside a government-subsidized senior citizens’ complex at a nearby park, the elderly man was aggressively approached and threatened by the two Muslims, who scared him away while calling him the N-word and threatening him.
Releasing jihad?
The elderly man, who would not divulge his name out of fear of retaliation, then called and reported the incident to the police, who found more than they what they expected.
“Inside the brothers’ car, police found a loaded AK-47, another rifle, a handgun, a grenade, large amounts of ammunition, and what would later be identified as bomb-making materials, including a drone,” WCCO-TV, Minnesota’s local CBS station reported.
A government watchdog group divulged that this was not all police found while searching the hostile immigrants’ car.
“They also found cellphones, computers and electronics equipment, including drone parts,” Jihad Watch announced from the complaint.
The cache was so large and potentially hazardous that police called the bomb squad to handle matters.
“Bomb squad personnel called to the scene noted that the large amount of ammunition and electronic devices could be used for bomb-making,” Jihad Watch’s Robert Spencer noted from the report.
Despite their weapons cache, ties to the Middle East and previous history of illegal possession of weapons, little is being done, with one of the brothers being released back onto the streets to continue amassing his suspected jihadist cache of weapons for later use.
“Abdullah Alrifahe had recently been released from jail after serving time for a weapons conviction,” WCCO’s Esme Murphy reported. “He is now facing a single felony weapons charge. His brother, Majid, has been released from jail and is facing a low-level misdemeanor charges, including disorderly conduct.”
After learning of the Minneapolis Police Department’s handling of the matter, the good Samaritan was outraged that those who have vowed to protect and serve the community are not doing more to protect law-abiding citizens from the men who have every indication of being Islamic militants with continued violence.
Tip of the iceberg?
Assuring that prosecutors are doing all they can, criminal defense attorney Joe Tamburino – who is not involved in the Alrifahes’ case – claims that more charges could be added down the road.
“These people have been charged with what the prosecutors can do right now,” Tamburino insisted.
There are indications that more evidence against Alrifahe could indeed be mounting.
“The Minneapolis Police Department says the investigation remains an open,” Murphy informed. “Meanwhile, Abdullah Alrifahe is being held on $200,000 bail, which is an extremely high amount for the charges he faces.”
Continuing a deadly trend?
It is feared that the lack of attention to potential jihadist threats in Minneapolis will lead to another tragedy, as other suspected jihadists around the world have been ignored by local authorities before they unleashed their wrath on civilians.
“The Manchester suicide bomber was reported to authorities repeatedly over a period of five years, as British citizens pointed out his radical activities … Nothing was done,” WND reported. “It mirrors the script of previous jihadists who struck at San Bernardino, Orlando, Fort Hood, the Boston Marathon, London, Nice and many other places in the U.S. and Europe over the last three years.”
In the case of the Minneapolis suspects, it is noted that they could have been in the midst of plotting a serious attack.
“The two men could have been planning an attack or transporting the weapons to a larger stockpile somewhere else,” WND reported from law enforcement sources. “Either way, it’s imperative they remain in custody and undergo prolonged interrogation. (Clonazepam) ”
Former Homeland Security officer and co-author of See Something, Say Nothing, Phil Haney, insists that police must press the suspects to find out from who they received their weapons, where they were transporting them and what mosque they attended. In addition to checking into their employment, banking and travel history, Haney maintains that police should also question them about the religious leaders they follow in person and online, as well as what contacts they have.
“These guys are connected to a coalition of at least 35 components of ISIS around the world,” Haney alerted WND. “ISIS is not just in Syria and Iraq, it’s a coalition of groups. It’s a pledge of loyalty not to ISIS necessarily, but the goals of ISIS, which is the establishment of Shariah law as part of the caliphate.”
He then stressed that the suspected jihadists in Minneapolis were connected to the Ariana Grande concert bombing earlier this week.
“Are these guys in Minnesota related to what we saw in Manchester? … They sure are, because it’s not so much that they know each other personally as it is that they are all part of the overall gravitational force of this global movement to establish Shariah law,” Haney continued. “That’s the common denominator. The gravitational force that underpins all of it.”
Replanting jihad
It is reported that Minnesota’s immigrant-friendly policies have turned the community into an area that harbors many Islamic terrorists relocated from one of the world’s most dangerous jihadist breeding grounds – Somalia.
“Local law enforcement knows that the Minneapolis neighborhood of Cedar-Riverside already functions as a Somali enclave known as ‘Little Mogadishu,’ where Shariah prevails – not U.S. constitutional law – or Minnesota law or Minneapolis municipal law,” WND’s Leo Hohmann pointed out.
Center for Security Policy Vice President of Research and Analysis Clare Lopez warned that the men apprehended in Minneapolis will likely unfold a huge network of terrorist activity in the area.
“It is, in effect, a no-go zone, where local police must be wary for their security if they enter in uniforms or police cruisers,” Lopez shared with WND. “It is a place that exports jihadist suicide bombers to Islamic terror groups like al-Shabaab and the Islamic State.”
She maintains that if police do not clamp down on the jihadist threat now and purge the neighborhood of militants and their weapons, Minneapolis will be a ticking time bomb.
“If Cedar-Riverside is not to become a U.S. version of Muslim-controlled Molenbeek, Brussels, the Parisian banlieux, or Luton, U.K., the writ of U.S. constitutional law must be enforced, firmly and consistently,” Lopez stressed. “To permit any alien hostile legal system – such as Shariah – to govern space within the U.S. is to cede American sovereignty.”
Haney insists that being politically correct is usurping police officer’s commitment to protect residents, noting that the Cedar Riverside community is currently more than likely harboring an Islamic terrorist cell – of which police are most likely aware.
“It’s a network – a network [that] is an established group of individuals [who] have been operating with resources for a significant amount of time with forethought, intention and planning,” Haney divulged to WND. “The government had these folks on its radar – people were seeing something and saying something.”
He said that from California to England, governments are so caught up with playing nice with Muslim immigrants – or residents were too scared to report them – that they give terrorists a free pass to kill the very people they are paid to protect.
“This was the U.K.’s San Bernardino, because they knew about them,” Haney continued. “People in San Bernardino were concerned – they saw things going on and thought about saying something, but they were too afraid. The same thing happened in the U.K., only here, they even reported it, and still their government didn’t do anything.”
The 22 people mercilessly slaughtered and 120 injured – many of them children – at the Manchester concert could have been avoided if only local authorities did their jobs instead of reportedly catering to its so-called anti-Islamophobia campaign in the name of political correctness.
“Somebody did see something and said something, and nothing was done,” Hohmann emphasized. “The Manchester suicide bomber, Salman Abedi, was a son of refugees from Libya, and most of his family still resides in Libya. Like Farook in San Bernardino, he was a hafiz, meaning he’d ‘memorized the Quran.’ Being hafiz is a big deal in the Muslim community. Very few reach this level of Quranic learning.”
In other words, Abedi was about as aligned with jihad as a Muslim could be, but English authorities turned a blind eye to the terrorist so as to not offend or agitate the Muslim community. His devotion to Islam was as devout as can be.
“How do you become hafiz? … You have to go through the training in the local mosque or madrasa and get certified by the imam or whoever is in charge,” Haney explained. “There is a ceremony. It is not a small thing. You are way above an average Muslim person in the community. So all this pretense, it’s all just that. It’s all deception.”
What started it all
It is argued that former presidents George H. W. Bush and Barack Obama started the infiltration of jihad into America and the rest of the West through their pro-Muslim policies – not to mention Obama’s triggering of the Arab Spring.
“It was the policies of Bush and Obama that “broke open” key countries in the Middle East, starting with Iraq, drawing jihadists to the battlefield,” Hohmann observed.
Haney agrees that the U.S. has played a critical role in unleashing jihad.
“The Bible talks about the restrainer being removed,” Haney pointed out. “Saddam, Gadhafi, Assad – these are dictators who were acting as restrainers and now they are removed – and our own government set that in motion. We came, we saw, we killed. They killed Saddam, they killed Gadhafi, we’ve tried to remove Assad.”
The terrorism expert maintains that Islamization and bringing about a global jihad was in the Arab’s game plan all along.
“They never looked at it in those countries as a democratic thing or the resurrection of democracy; they looked at it as an opportunity to resurrect the Arab nation – the ummah – and the implementation of Islamic law,” Haney concluded. “That’s exactly why the Muslim Brotherhood was founded. It’s an Islamic revivalist movement led by the Arabs, which, according to the Quran, are the best of all people.”
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