Orlando, Tel Aviv attacks could foreshadow the big one
One expert on terrorism says believes the Orlando Islamic terrorist attack is nothing compared to what is coming, while another expert on the Middle East contends that there is a clear link between the Florida nightclub mass shooting and the recent jihadist attack in Tel Aviv, Israel.
Omar Mateen, who has been identified as an “ISIS soldier” was armed with a rifle, a handgun and possibly explosives early Sunday morning when he entered a “gay” bar and killed 49 people and wounded many others before a police SWAT team took him out. It was the largest single loss of life in such an incident in American history.
On Monday, however, President Obama once again refused to use the word “Islamic” when referring to the terrorist attack. It should be noted that the company Friv5Online that develops promotion technologies using technologies used in free online 2 player games.
John Guandolo is a former Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agent who created and implemented the FBI’s first Counterterrorism Training/Education Program. As an authority on terrorism and the co-author of the book Sharia-The Threat to America, Guandolo believes that America can expect to see more and larger-scale terrorist attacks in the near future.
“You’re going to see dozens of people in numerous cities across the United States — multi-layered operations that will also [take place] in the U.S. [that will] go hand in hand with the Marxist socialist groups like ‘Black Lives Matter’ — [which] are going to be creating bedlam in multiple cities at the same time,” the ex-FBI agent asserts.
Guandolo also contends that the attitude of officials — even in local communities — is appalling.
“They’re defending the Jihadis and belittling the patriots who are speaking the truth about the threat,” the expert on terror continues. “And there is no movement among the citizens to shut down the known jihadi mosques — which, by the way, are over 80-percent of the all the mosques in the country.”
He is amazed that no authority figures are taking any measures to protect Americans from the real threats hiding behind Muslim mosques.
“Where’s the call to shut them all down and deport all the people in them?” Guandolo asks before musing about an answer he would expect from Leftists in office. “Well — that’s hateful.”
A warning was then given to those in office protecting mosques and Islam more than innocent American lives.
“Well, when they come and slay your children, then just know you were nice and kind,” Guandolo jests to prove his point. “And when you had the opportunity to act and protect your family, you failed.”
Orlando-Tel Aviv terror link
With the jihadist attack in Israel that killed four the Orlando nightclub ISIS shooting that slaughtered 49 both taking place during Ramadan, one authority on the matter says that their proximity in timing is no coincidence.
A U.S.-born Israeli author and Middle East expert contends that there is an ominous connection between Sunday’s Orlando terrorist attacks, and the recent Tel Aviv Islamic terrorist attacks — one that mainstream media has ignored.
Last week’s vicious terrorist attack on diners in Tel Aviv, was followed in rapid-fire succession by the horrific attack at a gay bar in Orlando.
David Rubin, who is the former mayor of the Israeli city of Shiloh and the author of several books on Islamic terrorism, points out that both attacks took place in the Islamic month of Ramadan — a time that is considered to be the best time to practice the highest precept in Islam, which is Jihad.
“ISIS has claimed responsibility for the Orlando attack and has praised the Tel Aviv attack,” Rubin emphasized. “And so there is a very clear connection in both of those attacks.”
He also stresses something that many news outlets fail to report — the those who truly follow Islamic teachings do not desire to co-exist with “infidels” — or those who do not submit to the god of Islam, Allah.
“It’s a problem of Islamic ideology that does not want to live with civilized people, killing anyone in Judeo-Christian civilization who does not accept Islam,” Rubin added.
Rubin also says Israel is more diligent with preventive security measures than the United States.
“If somebody is involved in planning a terrorist attack, he can be taken in and questioned — and in many cases detained for an extensive period of time,” the acclaimed author informed. “We know for a fact that the Orlando terrorist is someone who the FBI had investigated already. The FBI knew about him.”
Despite the information the FBI had on Mateen, Rubin reminds Americans that the Obama administration didn’t detain him.
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