Thank you for the email, I will pray for your requests for I am a intercessor for my church as well as on my own time, I pray a lot. I need Jesus in my life daily, about gay people I feel and have so much compassion for them, yes I think they are off […]
Evil schemes of Satan for America
Question: What evil spirit do you think is newly coming about across America?
Oral sex between married couples
Question: Is oral sex between married couples permitted by God? Answer: This is not an easy question to answer, since there isn’t a verse that says “thou shalt not have oral sex.” However, upon a deeper study of Scripture, I do believe that the Bible does address the issue of oral sex. “Marriage is honorable […]
I know a man and he used to practice homosexuality
Question: I need some advice, I know a man and he used to practice homosexuality, he has become a Christian and is now studying to be a minister. He said he no longer does the act, but he still considers himself “gay” and he has a boyfriend. I am not sure how to talk to […]
Oral sex and the Bible
Question: This is embarrassing, but I can’t get knowledge if this act of oral sex is considered immoral within the marriage. If two consenting adults, I was told, then it would be all right. What if one does not consent-namely the wife who is supposed to be submissive to her husband. Please help me!
Question: I am not so sure that just using the New King James Version is 100% appropriate. 1 Corinthians 6:9 says nothing about Sodomy in the NIV or in the King James Bible. Although some of the Sins mentioned are in “Sodomy.” The other translations do not include all things in Sodomy. Also, you fail […]
Homosexuality and Sodom
Question: What is God telling us (in the following verses), beyond the obvious? Both cities where these events took place were totally destroyed. Did God provide the detailed description of these people’s sinful behavior so that we could conclude that EVERY city state in Canaan was guilty of this identical crime and MUST be totally […]
Same-Sex “Marriage”
The Supreme Court of the United States said that Same Sex “Marriage” is legal across the land. Some people say, “Well, if the Supreme Court says it is ok, then there must not be anything wrong with it.” No, it is not right just because the Supreme Court says it is legal to marry […]
Homosexual (Gay)
My Father Was Gay. Why I Oppose Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage. Dawn Stefanowicz / April 13, 2015 It took me decades to come to my views on same-sex “marriage” in light of my personal experiences. From infancy, I was unwittingly identified under the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transsexual (GLBT) umbrella. During the first 30 years of […]