Question: This is embarrassing, but I can’t get knowledge if this act of oral sex is considered immoral within the marriage. If two consenting adults, I was told, then it would be all right. What if one does not consent-namely the wife who is supposed to be submissive to her husband. Please help me!
Living together in parents house not being married
Question: Our friends are allowing their son and his girlfriend to live together in their house without being married. How are we to approach the subject and show them that it’s inappropriate for the kids to live together? Answer: I do have to apologize for taking so long to answer this question for you. I […]
Question: A prostitute sent this letter to us some time ago, but I feel it could be used now to help others, who are caught in the same trap as this individual. The name and location of this woman will not be given so as to protect her identity. Let me assure you, though, that […]
Living with someone before marriage
Question: Is it ok for me to spend the night with my boyfriend on the weekends? It’s not about sex, it’s just about being near each other, since we don’t have a lot of time to give each other during the week, since we both work full time. I want to start living with my […]
Abstaining from sexual immorality
Question: I am a Christian teenager. I’ve believed that Jesus is my Savior with all my heart for my entire life. But there has been something bothering me for a while now. I go to a Christian school and I’ve found a girl I like very much, and I just went on my first […]
Question: I am not so sure that just using the New King James Version is 100% appropriate. 1 Corinthians 6:9 says nothing about Sodomy in the NIV or in the King James Bible. Although some of the Sins mentioned are in “Sodomy.” The other translations do not include all things in Sodomy. Also, you fail […]
Dreams being intimate
Question: I would like to know what these particular dreams I sometimes have mean. I sometimes dream being intimate with my husband and I have always brushed it aside thinking it could be my subconscious. However, sometimes these dreams take a twist. I realize later that the person I thought I was being intimate with […]
Having a child outside wedlock
Question: I have a five year old daughter who was born outside wedlock. I have been raising her on my own and with the help of my parents from birth. Her father lives in another country, and father and daughter are still yet to meet each other. But, we are still very much in […]
Live together without being married
Question: Is it alright for two Christians to live together without being married? My sister’s boyfriend’s brother, who is a Christian, lives with his girlfriend. I don’t know if there is any sexual activity going on, but I think this is influencing my sister to consider doing the same. She feels that there is nothing […]
Sex during her period
Question: Is it okay to have sex with my husband when I am having my periods? Answer: There are several Old Testament passages telling husbands not to have sexual relations with their wife during her period. Leviticus 15:19-24 talks about the impurity of a woman during her monthly flow. Verse 24 says, “And if any […]