Question: Is it ok to leave a husband who can’t provide financially for his wife? What should a Christian wife do if her Christian husband can’t provide for her financially? Answer: A divorce should never be our first solution when we have a problem in our marriage. God has stated in Malachi that He hates […]
Christian husband that is mentally and verbally abusive
Question: I was wondering if you would comment on a husband who is mentally and verbally abusive but who is also a Christian? I know this to be true, because while I do feel that he loves me, he also goes to church with me almost every Sunday and he and I are involved in […]
Should a Christian woman stay in a marriage of verbal abuse
Question: Should a Christian woman stay in a marriage of verbal abuse for over 20+ years when the husband refuses to go and get some help and counseling and is angry at the whole world and he is also a racist. He has repeatedly said that he has done nothing wrong and that he is […]
Christian wife wants to leave a non-Christian husband
Question: Is it wrong for a Christian wife to leave a non-Christian husband? The marriage is unbearable.
Muslim marriage
Question: Prior to becoming born again, I married a Muslim man. The marriage ceremony was performed by a Muslim priest (Imam). Am I married to this man in the eyes of God?
Remarriage after a divorce
Question: My family believes that if you divorce for any reason and remarry another, you are living in sin. That I also believe, but the confusing thing [that] I cannot get them to see is if that divorced person now gets saved [they shouldn’t go back to the first husband or wife.] They believe that […]
Married to a Jehovah’s Witness
Question: I have an old born again friend who is married to a non practicing Jehovah’s Witness. Would you class them as unequally yoked? His wife is also threatening to leave him if he does not start to follow her to her meetings. He asked me for advice a few weeks ago but I am […]
Divorce for any reason
Question: I read what you said about Divorce but in Deuteronomy, God said if a man finds uncleanness in his wife, he can give her a bill of divorcement? Can you explain?
Drinking husband
Question: (paraphrased) My daughter became a Christian after marriage, but her husband is unsaved, and an alcoholic. They have been married for several years and have a teenage son. She has stayed with him to be obedient to God. Her husband works, stops to drink, then comes home and eats dinner and passes out. He […]
Cheating on husband
Question: I cheated on my husband and now I think my child might be the other guy’s, what should I do?