Congress: Forced Abortions Still Happening in China

December 21, 2017
The report states:
The amended PRC Population and Family Planning Law contains provisions that prohibit officials from infringing upon the ‘‘legitimate rights and interests’’ of citizens while implementing family planning policies. Despite these provisions, abuses committed during the implementation of family planning policies continued during the Commission’s 2016 reporting year. Some provincial-level population planning regulations continued to explicitly instruct officials to carry out abortions, often referred to as ‘‘remedial measures’’ (bujiu cuoshi ), for ‘‘out-of-plan’’ pregnancies.
The report authored by Chairman Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Co-Chairman Rep. Christopher Smith (R-N.J.) also provides examples of the brutal means the Chinese government employs to force these coercive population controls. It also focuses on freedom of expression, criminal justice, religious liberty, human trafficking, and the status of women, among other issues.
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