Islam experts discuss reasons media ignores Christian persecution
(TRUNEWS) When the establishment media reported on the massacre of 16 people on a beach in Ivory Coast last weekend, they left out the key part of the story – the al-Qaeda Muslim jihadists deliberately rounded up Christians and murdered them.
One of the victims was a five-year-old boy who refused to denounce his Christian faith. He was shot immediately, as he knelt before the assailant begging for his life. Another young boy was spared because he could recite an Islamic prayer.
During the attack, one of the shooters went into a beach bar to look for people to kill. TRUNEWS has obtained some of the footage.
Robert Spencer and Raymond Ibrahim were guests on TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles Monday to discuss Islamic terrorism and reasons why the mainstream media has omitted the fact that Christians are specifically targeted.
Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch, and has written several books on the issue of radical Islam. Ibrahim is a Middle East expert and an Islam specialist.
They both agree the media has an agenda to hide the religious aspect of the story, which ironically is the main goal of the violence in the minds of the Muslim jihadists. Christians are being persecuted at an alarming rate by Muslims.
“They (media) want you to think this is just some generic criminal organization,” Ibrahim said.
Christian leaders are not speaking out about the Muslim persecution of Christians, for fear of “offending” Muslims and leaders.
Spencer compared people ignoring the persecution of Christians to the eradication of Jews under the Nazi regime because in that case it also took several years for the world to admit what was going on.
During the Ottoman Empire, Muslims also waging jihad against Christians in Europe, but that fact is being ignored, while Islam is being made to look innocent. Spencer said there is a view of history that all of this is the fault of Christians for what happened during the Crusades.
U.S. President Barack Obama delivers remarks at an Organizing for Action event in Washington November 9, 2015. REUTERS/Yuri Gripas
Spencer believes the Obama Administration has deliberately pushed the Islamic agenda.
“He has been so consistent throughout his presidency in doing things that aided the Muslim agenda,” he said.
He pointed to the support Obama has given to Muslim Brotherhood and to Syrian groups he claimed were moderate, which really turned out to be extremist, even though he was advised by experts that the “moderates” were al-Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood.
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