Failed candidate launches Trump PAC
“In my view,” says Paul Nehlen, “if you’re working against Mr. Trump, you’re working for Hillary Clinton.”
Nehlen (pictured below) ran in the GOP primary against Ryan but was crushed by the powerful House Speaker. Ryan defeated the challenger with 84 percent.
Nehlen supported Trump throughout his congressional campaign while Trump and Ryan exchanged verbal barbs. In the end, however, Trump endorsed Ryan just days before Wisconsin voters went to the polls.
Nehlen has now launched Citizen Revolt PAC, which is targeting the home state of Wisconsin as well as so-called battleground states that are vital to the electoral vote on November 8.
Clinton is leading Trump in the Badger State by an average of nine points, RealClearPolitics shows.
The manufacturing executive says millions of Americans have had enough of the Clinton political dynasty and they’re also tired of GOP efforts to undermine Trump.
“Donald Trump represents the American people,” Nehlen tells OneNewsNow. “He was given the votes to secure the nomination. He signed a pledge that he would work within the party. And we’re seeing all over folks working against him.”
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