ISIS jihadists are targeting Christian missionaries for public atrocities.
Now the Islamic State is raping and crucifying Christian women in Syria as a public message of evil, and the world is silent.
ISIS publicly raped Christian women missionaries. These brave Christian women responded by singing, praying, and calling out to Jesus. Then ISIS jihadists beheaded the women and publicly crucified their dead bodies.
ISIS also crucified two other Christian missionaries – including a 12-year-old boy – forcing villagers to watch in horror as they were painfully murdered on a cross.
We won’t be silent.
At the ACLJ, we’re actively engaged through our global offices. Congress is considering our critical recommendations in key legislation. And we’re aggressively advocating to defend the persecuted Church and defeat ISIS.
ISIS will continue to behead and crucify Christians unless it is defeated. We must stop genocide. It is our sacred duty to be heard now.
Sign Our Urgent Petition: Stop the Genocide of Christians Today.
Jay Sekulow
ACLJ Chief Counsel
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