Ark Encounter – located in Williamstown, KY, about 40 miles south of Cincinnati – features a recreation of Noah’s Ark: 510 feet long, 85 feet wide, and seven stories high, based on the description in Genesis 6. The park includes a zoo, zip lines, and a restaurant, among other attractions.
A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held Tuesday with the mayor of Williamstown doing the honors. “On behalf of the city of Williamstown and the state of Kentucky, I would like to officially declare the Ark Encounter open,” said Mayor Rick Skinner.
The ceremony was attended by some 7,000-8,000 people and was streamed live on the Ark Encounter’s YouTube channel.

Ken Ham is president and CEO of Answers in Genesis, the apologetics ministry behind the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter. Ham told the crowd that the Ark Encounter will serve as a reminder to the world – just as Joshua set 12 stones at the Jordan River – as a reminder of how God miraculously led them.
“The ark is to be a reminder, we build it as a reminder – it’s our 12 stones – to remind the coming generations of the truth of God’s Word,” says Ham. “It’s our way of presenting the truth of God’s Word and the gospel to the world.”
At the ribbon-cutting ceremony, Ham said he expected as many as two-million visitors to the Ark Encounter in its first year of operation.
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