Reports of Trump’s salvation experience Tuesday, June 28, 2016|Steve Jordahl (
Dr. James Dobson of Family Talk told Pastor Michael Anthony of that Donald Trump – the expected Republican presidential nominee – has accepted Christ. “He did accept a relationship with Christ,” Dobson shared. “I know the person who led him to Christ – and that’s fairly recent.”
Dobson released a statement later saying the person was televangelist Paula White. “Do I know that for sure? No,” says Dobson’s statement. “Do I know the details of that alleged conversion? I can’t say that I do.” White could not be reached for comment.
Christian apologist and radio talk-show host Dr. Alex McFarland says he’s heard the same rumors from someone other than Dobson who is close to the campaign. Like Dobson, McFarland was part of the group of evangelicals that met last week in New York City with the presumptive GOP nominee.
“It does strike me that here is a man that God is at work in his life,” McFarland offers, “and here is a nation that desperately needs God to be at work within the United States.”
Dobson says Christians need to cut Trump some slack as he starts out in his new Christian life.
“I believe he really made a commitment, but he’s a ‘baby Christian,'” he told Pastor Anthony. “We all need to be praying for him. We had 40 Christians together with him [and he] used the word ‘hell’ four or five times. He doesn’t know our language. He didn’t grow up like we did.”
McFarland points out that all believers need time to mature in their faith – and that in almost all cases that’s without the world’s media recording and analyzing every single word that they say.
Dobson ‘haunted’ by prospect of Hillary in WH
In his statement about Trump’s Christian faith, Dobson added his concerns about the choice voters will face in November:
“All I can tell you is that we have only two choices, Hillary or Donald. Hillary scares me to death. And, if Christians stay home because he isn’t a better candidate, Hillary will run the world for perhaps eight years. The very thought of that haunts my nights and days. One thing is sure: we need to be in prayer for our nation at this time of crisis.”
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