New video changes minds with traumatic truth of abortion
Live Action has produced a series of videos by former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino explaining the different procedures used to terminate the lives of preborn children. Live Action founder Lila Rose tells OneNewsNow the latest video exposes the prevalent late-term abortion procedure, which is induction abortion.
“About 13,000 of these [types of abortions] are happening in our country every year,” she says. “In many of them the children are viable. They can feel pain and they’re truly destroyed by the poisoning of an abortionist’s needle through Digoxin and then delivered dead. This video exposes this horrific practice and ultimately calls for the protection of all these children.”
The release comes at a crucial time when the Democratic Party platform calls for abortion through the ninth month of pregnancy and tax-funded abortions, which according to a recent Marist Poll, the majority of Americans don’t support.

“So this important abortion procedure video exposes what actually happens during a late-term abortion procedure, this barbaric practice and violence against a child,” Rose says. “And it certainly calls on the political powers to stand up and stop defending the big, powerful abortion lobby but instead recognize the rights and humanity of the child.”
Live Action has shown the videos at random to individual abortion supporters – and invariably, says the pro-life leader, their thinking about abortion changes (see video below).
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