Veterans hoping President will Pardon Sailor
February 06, 2017

Navy sailor Kristian Saucier is serving time in prison for taking pictures inside the USS Alexandria. President Donald Trump is looking into the case, fellow sailors hope for pardon.
Talks are heating up in expectation that President Donald Trump will possibly pardon a former Navy sailor in prison for taking photos of sensitive areas inside a nuclear submarine. The case caused widespread controversy because it broke in 2015 during the Hillary Clinton email investigation scandal. Many could not believe that a Navy sailor was sentenced but Clinton did not even face charges.
The Daily Caller reports that Trump recently mentioned that he’s looking into the details behind the Kristian Saucier case. Saucier, was convicted in 2015 of retaining national defense information without authorization, which took the form of photos of classified areas of the nuclear attack submarine the USS Alexandria.
Saucier is now serving a year-long prison sentence, though now that Trump has spoken out about the case after Saucier’s lawyer met with national security adviser Mike Flynn. This meeting has been perceived by Navy vets as hope that Saucier may be pardoned. The overall consensus is not that Saucier did not do something wrong, but that the punishment was too harsh.
Many, including retired senior chief Bob Dulin, say that Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while serving as secretary of state in the Obama administration was “far worse” than Saucier’s photos, and yet she got off without any charges, whatsoever. Dulin said he would be fine with Trump pardoning Saucier or commuting his sentence, according to a report by The Daily Caller.
The case of Gen. James Cartwright has also been used as an example. Cartwright received a pardon earlier in January, even though he lied to the FBI about the information he had given to journalists regarding the cyber attacks on Iran’s nuclear program.
There are some concerns that a pardon for Saucier from the Trump administration may show weakness on national security.
Original article by The Daily Caller / TRUNEWS contribution.
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