Another video: Proof of illegal partial-birth abortions?
A new undercover video of Planned Parenthood officials discussing harvesting aborted babies’ body parts raises two questions about possible violations of the law. The question is: what will be done about it?
It’s the 12th undercover video released by the Center for Medical Progress that contains revealing footage about the nation’s largest abortion-provider. This video – filmed in February 2015 (watch below) – focuses on Dr. Jennefer Russo, medical director of Planned Parenthood of Orange and San Bernardino Counties (California), in a discussion with CMP’s David Daleiden over extracting aborted babies for research tissue and limbs.
Attorney Anna Paprocki of Americans United for Life finds some of the comments in the video very disturbing.
“The procedures that are being described by the abortionist – converting the baby to breach, pulling the baby out – [indicate] there’s probable cause to investigate whether … what they’re describing are illegal partial-birth abortions,” she tells OneNewsNow.
In addition, Paprocki says other wording in the video leads one to believe the possibility that babies are being born alive.

“And the question is raised: what is happening to these babies who are protected by federal law?” she continues. “Under federal law, infants born alive at any stage of development after an attempted induced abortion are persons under federal law. [They are] protected by federal law.”
Previous videos from CMP prompted Planned Parenthood to file a lawsuit against the pro-life group. In January a grand jury in Houston – rather than taking action against Planned Parenthood officials – indicted the whistleblowers from the Center for Medical Progress instead. That will be played out in court.
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