Friday, March 27, 2020|
A Bible teacher, author, and radio host thinks this situation with the coronavirus may be the greatest evangelistic opportunity of our lifetimes.
“This is no time for Christians to be despondent or afraid or unnecessarily paranoid,” said Dr. Alex McFarland recently on American Family Radio. “Christ has given us the roadmap to heaven, to a relationship with him, to a meaningful life here – and now our job is to link arms and proclaim to the world how they can be ready.”
When asked whether the world is witnessing Bible prophecy being fulfilled, McFarland says he thinks the “birth pangs” mentioned in the Bible are being seen.
“The Bible talks about birth pangs – you know, as the creation groans, waiting for Christ’s return. [But] I do not think these are the plagues of Revelation 16,” he continued. “Chapters 4–20 [in Revelation] are talking about the tribulation – but there is worldwide disease and plagues in [chapter] 16; there is false religion and demonism in 17; and then there’s the fall of the world’s economic system in Revelation 18.”
But McFarland cautions this doesn’t mean people should not be ready.
“In Matthew 24 and 25, three times Jesus says the end of time will come like a bolt of lightning from the sky and so be ready,” he stressed. “In Mark 13, Jesus says What I say to one, I say to all: Watch, and be ready.”
And he offered this counsel for those who aren’t believers:
“If you’ve never trusted Christ, do that today. Jesus is as close as a prayer. Turn your life over to Christ, admit your sin, repent, [and] believe. We’re coming up on Easter. One of the most documentable facts of ancient history is that Christ rose from the dead – and that proves his Messiahship.
“So, I would say if you’ve never trusted Christ, be born again and be saved.”
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