Trump’s foreign policy speech draws kudos
A national defense analyst believes GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump took a “justifiable and right-minded approach” in outlining his foreign policy Wednesday.
During Trump’s live televised speech, he said it is time to “shake the rust off of America’s foreign policy” and “invite new voices and new visions into the fold.” The GOP frontrunner added: “America First will be the major and overriding theme of my administration.”
Robert Maginnis, senior fellow for national security at the Family Research Council, offered his impressions during an interview with OneNewsNow.
“Certainly the president of the United States is supposed to put the United States security interests above other countries,” he began. “And so it would appear as though that is a justifiable and a right-minded approach. Now I don’t expect to hear that out of Hillary Clinton – and you certainly didn’t hear that out of Barack Obama.”
Trump was also critical of the current administration’s approach in the Middle East, saying it was leaving a legacy of “weakness, confusion, and disarray” and leaving that part of the world “more unstable and chaotic than ever before.”
Maginnis admits he was pleased with the contrast Trump offered about Israel and confronting Islamic terrorism.
“For a politician, which he is now, he has said the right things, certainly for people such as myself who are concerned about the direction of the country,” said the FRC fellow.
Now … about that social engineering
Still, Maginnis wasn’t totally pleased with the address, admitting he was disappointed Trump didn’t address the harmful social engineering that President Obama has imposed on the U.S. military.
“Certainly if evangelicals are going to rally around Mr. Trump, I would hope that they insist [he reverse] social issues, anti-Christian issues within the armed forces [such as] pro-homosexual issues, pro-transgender issues, pro-pushing women into the most dangerous place in the armed forces: the front lines. That’s wrong headed ….”
The retired Army officer believes the problem is that none of Trump’s national security advisors are social conservatives.
“… I would hope that he would recruit some social conservatives who say Okay, how about nurturing the armed forces back to the robustness that it was and turning back the clock on some of these terrible social agenda issues that this administration has embraced.”
“And taking a Judeo-Christian perspective, certainly you want to defend Israel,” Maginnis continued. “You want to push back against the likes of the Muslim Brotherhood and Tehran. You want to recognize that Barack Obama has failed utterly to push back against radical Islam [and] has given encouragement to ISIS to expand.”
Much was made of Trump’s use of a teleprompter to deliver his foreign policy speech, as he typically speaks off the cuff – and has ripped his GOP rivals using teleprompters.
Editor’s note: Comments from Maginnis re: social engineering were added after story was originally published.
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