Done in Secret, Must come to Light!
December 07, 2016

Republicans Demand that details of Obama’s secret refugee deal with Australia be brought to light, “The American people have the right to be fully aware”.
- Senate and House Judiciary chairmen called on the White House Tuesday to declassify the details of a secret agreement to accept some 2,000 refugees currently held in off-shore detention camps by Australia.
- One of the most troubling factors is that many of the refugees housed in these camps are from the Middle East and have so far been rejected for resettlement by Australia. The reasons behind their rejection have not been made public.
- The White House agreed in November to resettle many of them in the U.S., but in an unprecedented move, has classified the details of the plan. Why the secrecy?
- Republicans Sen. Chuck Grassley and Rep. Bob Goodlatte raised concerns about the classification of the details and said Congress should have been consulted about the agreement.
- They attended a close-door brief with White House officials on details of the deal, which they said has convinced them there is “absolutely … no reason” for the specifics of the plan to be kept a secret from the American public.
- DHS officials are already on their way to interview refugees there recommended for resettlement, and according to The Center for Immigration Studies, as many as 1,600 of them could be resettled in the U.S. before Obama leaves office in January 2017.
- Australia recently agreed to take in Central American refugees, leaving room for speculation that it was an exchange of refugees. making it look like Obama agreed to take in refugees.
- According to a report from The Daily Caller, Australia has denied the participation in that program has anything to do with Obama’s agreement.
Article by The Daily Caller / TRUNEWS summary.
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