Question: I cheated on my husband and now I think my child might be the other guy’s, what should I do?
Tattoos and Christians
Question: Is it ok for Christians to get a tattoo?
Oil and healing
Question: I want to know if we are still supposed to use anointing oil as they were doing in the Old Testament, or are we supposed to stop after Jesus was crucified. What is the right thing about this, as some pastors are making it look like it is now demonic to use anointing oil, […]
Professing Christians and who are also social drinkers
Question: I have a question after reading your articles about not drinking wine. I am a Christian. I am often faced with having to confront the people around me who are professing Christians and who are also social drinkers. I thank God for your article as now I know I can share with them specifically […]
Dating, courting, and struggles with lust
Question: Christian dating, courting, and struggles with lust Answer: If you’ve watched any T.V. or movies from Hollywood recently you will see that the usual is for a couple to date several times and then jump into bed together. No wonder young people are confused if this is what they are seeing in their music […]
I have herpes and I got it when I was 16 years old when I was sexually…
Question: I have herpes and I got it when I was 16 years old when I was sexually promiscuous and have turned my life around now. I am not living with self-hate. I am walking through a process of healing. I turned my life around at 21 years old.
Oral sex between married couples
Question: Is oral sex between married couples permitted by God? Answer: This is not an easy question to answer, since there isn’t a verse that says “thou shalt not have oral sex.” However, upon a deeper study of Scripture, I do believe that the Bible does address the issue of oral sex. “Marriage is honorable […]
He had been approached by a prostitute and had unprotected sex with her.
Question: Hi. My boyfriend and I have had a beautiful Christian relationship for almost 2 years. We were both in our early thirties when we met, and virgins. We live in separate locations but communicate every day. I complete my contract next year and plan to relocate to where he is. My family has been […]
Is kissing and lovemaking, excluding sex alright before marriage?
Question: Is kissing and lovemaking, excluding sex, only recommended for a Christian love relationship after marriage?
That affair, happened after he and I were in a relationship
Question: Follow up question and answer. Thank you very much for your reply. My fiancé had these affairs after he got saved, he was not a strong Christian. I just learned that affair which involved a child claims, happened after he and I were in a relationship, during our first year together. He said he denied […]